Treatments for a problem skin Haarlem
As a skin specialist I am familiar with the necessary skin problems that can sometimes make you quite insecure. Depending on the severity of your skin problem I will treat you.
Skin problems treatment in the heart of Haarlem
The following aspects form the so-called "problem skin":
- redness in the face;
- pimples and acne;
- hyperpigmentation;
- sensitive and red skin;
- chapped skin;
- dry and flaky skin.

Suffering of a problem skin?
Problem skin treatment in Haarlem
In most cases I can help you with your skin problem. I can drastically reduce or even eliminate them.
So I have several skin treatments, each focused on a different skin problem. Think of a special acne treatment, a peeling to reduce pigmentation or a facial to hydrate dry / dehydrated skin.
Natural products
The brands and products I use are all natural and scientific based and each have their specialization in treating a skin problem.
Many people suffer from sensitive skin that reacts strongly to aggressive cosmetics and skincare. For example, skin care containing alcohol. By using natural ingredients, the products and treatments are also very suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Acne skin treatment
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in humans and can make you feel quite insecure. Read more about treating acne at KRIS here.
Treat your problem skin
Often you may be unaware of your skin's needs and deficiencies. Schedule a free intake and skin scan at my salon. With the OBSERV 520X I bring with 8 light modes and 5 facial positions all your skin characteristics razor sharp map. So I see exactly what skin treatment best suits the needs of your skin. You will be amazed by the result I achieve with your skin.